How do I reset my device?

How to Reset Your Cricut Device

1. Turn off the electricity and disconnect the cord

Turn off your Maker and unplug it from the power source to begin the resetting process. By ensuring that the device is fully powered down, this first step facilitates a more successful reset.

2. Modify the Dials

Turning the dials is one way to reset the machine. Make sure to turn all three dials the way up and then all the way down, turning them all the way up and then all the way down. The goal of this action is to fix any small bugs that could be harming the computer.

3. Make use of the Back button

There is a dedicated reset button on the back of the machine for some Cricut models, maybe even the Maker. This button should be pressed and held for about three seconds before being released. Usually, using this method activates the machine's internal reset function.

4. Disconnect and Hold On

Restarting the device by unplugging it and leaving it that way for approximately a minute also works well. Re-plug it in to restart the system after the waiting period. Connectivity problems are frequently fixed with this easy method, especially when dealing with Bluetooth settings.

5. Making use of the Cricut App

You might need to use your device's settings to access the Cricut app without first pairing Bluetooth after performing these physical resets. By doing this, direct communication between the app and the machine is ensured.

You should be able to successfully reset your device by following these instructions, which should address a number of operational problems.

In summary

There are several ways to reset your device: you can turn it off, change the dials, or press the reset button. The thorough instructions to reset your Cricut Maker are provided below; they also work for other Cricut devices.